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Stress and Mindfulness 2025

About Conference

We are delighted to announce the "12th International Conference on Stress, Mindfulness, Meditation, and Resilience," scheduled for April 23-24, 2025, in Paris, France.

Scientific meetings and conferences are crucial to the scientific process, serving as primary venues for Academicians, Scientists, Practitioners, Students, Scholars, Researchers, and Family Physicians, along with Health Educators, Social Workers, and Business Professionals. These events provide opportunities to present and receive feedback on research before publication, establish collaborations, network, and share research ideas.

Stress and Mindfulness 2025 is a specially designed two-day event featuring high-quality presentations, keynote addresses, oral presentations, and plenary sessions. Attendees can look forward to intense scientific discussions, panel debates, workshops, special sessions, student poster presentations, round table discussions, and exhibitions showcasing contributions from some of the world's brightest minds in medicine, science, and technology.

Sessions and Tracks

Track 1: Stress, Types, Causes and Management

Stress is defined as "a state of mental and physiological irregularity caused by the uniqueness of situational demand and the person's capacity and inspiration to address those issues."

Stressors are situations and pressures that cause pressure. We frequently consider stressors to be negative, such as a debilitating work routine or a difficult relationship. Whatever puts levels of popularity on you, however, can be distressing. This includes happy occasions such as getting married, buying a house, attending college, or accepting a promotion.

  • Acute stress: The most common type of stress is acute stress.
  • Episodic acute stress: Acute stress that occurs frequently is referred to as episodic acute stress......
  • Chronic stress occurs when acute stress is not resolved and begins to increase or lasts for an extended period of time.

Track 2 : Mindfulness and Compassion

Mindfulness implies maintaining a minute by minute awareness of our thoughts, feelings, substantial sensations, and overall state through a delicate, supporting focal point.

Mindfulness also includes acknowledgment, which implies that we focus on our thoughts and feelings without making a decision about them—for example, without accepting that there is a "right" or "wrong" way to think or feel in a given moment. When we practise care, our thoughts focus on what we're noticing right now rather than rehashing the past or imagining what's to come.

Compassion literally means "to endure together." Among feeling specialists, it is defined as the inclination that emerges when you are confronted with another's misery and feel compelled to alleviate that suffering.

Compassion is not synonymous with compassion or selflessness, but the concepts are related. While sympathy generally refers to our ability to understand and feel the feelings of others, empathy is the point at which those sentiments and musings incorporate a desire to help. Thus, charitableness is the kind of magnanimous behaviour frequently prompted by feelings of empathy; however, one can feel sympathy without acting on it, and unselfishness isn't always propelled by sympathy.

Track 3: Psychology and Psychological Resilience

Psychology is the logical study of the mind and behaviour. Psychology is a multifaceted control that includes many sub-fields of focus such as human advancement, sports, wellness, clinical, social behaviour, and subjective procedures. Psychological resilience refers to a person's ability to withstand stressors while displaying no brain research brokenness, such as psychological instability or determined adverse temperament. This is the common mental perspective on versatility; that is, flexibility is defined as an individual's ability to keep a strategic distance from psychopathology regardless of difficult circumstances.

Track 4: Psychiatry and Psychiatric Disorders

Psychiatry is a medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental, emotional, and social problems.

A therapist is a healer who specialises in emotional well-being, which includes substance abuse issues. Therapists are trained to assess the psychological as well as the physical aspects of mental illnesses.

A psychiatric disorder is a psychological ailment identified by an emotional wellness specialist that significantly irritates your reasoning, states of mind, or potentially behaviour and significantly increases your risk of handicap, torment, passing, or loss of opportunity.

Symptoms of Psychiatric Disorders

  • Confused thinking
  • Reduced ability to concentrate
  • Deep, ongoing sadness, or feeling “down”
  • Inability to manage day-to-day stress and problems
  • Trouble understanding situations and other people
  • Withdrawal from others and from activities you used to enjoy
  • Extreme tiredness, low energy, or sleeping problems
  • Strong feelings of fear, worry, or guilt
  • Extreme mood changes, from highs to lows, often shifting very quickly

Track 5: Positive Psychology and Happiness

The study of the positive aspects of human life, such as joy, prosperity, and thriving, is known as positive psychology.

Positive psychology refers to a variety of approaches that encourage people to recognise and develop their own positive feelings, experiences, and personality traits. Positive brain science expands on key humanistic brain science

Track 6:  Anger Management and Negative Outcomes

Anger management executives make reference to a procedure. It can aid in the identification of stressors. Individuals learn ventures to enable them to remain silent in the face of board displeasure. They can then deal with tense situations in a helpful, positive way.

The purpose of resentment on the board is to allow an individual to reduce outrage. It dampens the emotional and physical excitement that outrage can elicit. It is frequently difficult to avoid all individuals and situations that cause outrage. In any case, an individual can learn to control their responses and react in a socially appropriate manner. A psychological wellness expert's assistance may be beneficial in this procedure.

Anger management encourages you to recognise disappointments early and resolve them in a way that allows you to express your needs — while keeping you quiet and in control.

A few signs that you need assistance controlling your displeasure include:

  • Routinely feeling that you need to hold in your displeasure
  • Industrious negative reasoning and concentrating on negative encounters
  • Consistent sentiments of disturbance, anxiety and antagonistic vibe
  • Visit contentions with others that raise dissatisfactions
  • Physical brutality, for example, hitting your accomplice or youngsters or beginning battles
  • Dangers of brutality against individuals or property

Track 7:  Anxiety, Phobias and Panic Disorders

Anxiety is a normal and often healthy emotion. However, when a person experiences unbalanced levels of nervousness on a regular basis, it may become a medical issue.

Phobia is an irrational fear that can cause evasion and panic. Phobias are a common type of nervousness problem. Phobias can be treated with intellectual social therapy, which includes presentation and dread reduction techniques. Frequently, anti-anxiety or upper medicine proves helpful, particularly in the early stages of treatment.

Panic attacks may happen without a known reason, however more much of the time they are activated by dread creating occasions or contemplations, for example, taking a lift or driving. Side effects of fits of anxiety incorporate fast heartbeat, unusual chest sensations,  shortness of breath, tipsiness, shivering, and uneasiness. Hyperventilation, tumult, and withdrawal are normal outcomes. Panic disorder issue is accepted to be because of a strange actuation of the body's hormonal framework, causing an unexpected 'battle or flight' reaction. Treatment includes cognitive behavioural, utilizing introduction to impact indication decrease, and utilization of medication therapy.

Track 8: Depression, Symptoms and Trauma

Depression is now commonplace, but it is still a serious mental health issue. It causes extraordinary reactions that influence how you feel, think, and handle step-by-step exercises such as resting, eating, or working. To be determined to have wretchedness, the symptoms must be present for at least fourteen days. In its most basic form, distress can simply mean feeling down. It doesn't stop you from going about your normal life, but it makes everything more difficult and makes you appear less honourable. At its most genuine, hopelessness can be a dangerous grave because it makes you feel foolish or simply gives up the will to live.

Emotional and psychological trauma can be brought about by both coincidental and continuous occasions. A coincidental occasion would be something like a mishap, cataclysmic event, or an assault. On-going injury can result from constant unpleasant occasions, for example, youth sexual, passionate or physical maltreatment or living in a wrongdoing ridden neighbourhood where you never feel safe.

Track 9: Entrepreneurship and Workplace Stress

Entrepreneurship is both the study of how new businesses are created and the actual process of starting another business - the terms are used interchangeably. A business visionary is someone who has an idea and attempts to create an item or service that people will buy by forming an organisation to facilitate those transactions. Entrepreneurship is now a popular school major, with a focus on considering new venture creation.

Starting a business generally requires:

  • A business idea or thought including an item, administration, process, or new innovation
  • Individuals to help the work, regardless of whether as representatives, merchants, or counselors
  • A procedure by which the item or administration will be conveyed, or the innovation will be created
  •  Enough cash to help the advancement of the plan to the point that it produces income

Work pressure is characterized as pressure that is produced because of clashing requests in a single's activity. The measure of control representatives have over their work process can affect how noteworthy work pressure will be. While all work has a component of stress, genuine work pressure is hurtful in that a worker has passionate and physical responses to work requests that are hard to control.

Common causes of workplace stress include:

  • Fear of being laid off
  • More overtime due to staff cutbacks
  • Pressure to work at optimum levels—all the time!
  • Lack of control over how you do your work

Track 10:  Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental health is a state of mental well-being or the absence of psychological illness. A psychological disorder refers to a broad range of emotional well-being conditions and disorders that affect your mood, thinking, and behaviour.

Mental Health Rehabilitation is a service that assists people in recovering from the challenges of long-term mental health problems. It will assist and support people who are still struggling to cope with daily life or get along with others.

Well-being is a meaningful positive outcome for people and many sectors of society because it indicates that people believe their lives are going well. Good living conditions (e.g., housing, employment) are critical to happiness.

Track 11: Yoga and Meditation

Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practise that originated in ancient India. In the twentieth century, it became well-known in the West. Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit yuj, which means "to yoke" and "samadhi" or "fixation." Yoga, in this sense, is the training that seeks to unite the brain, body, and soul. The ultimate goal of yoga is to achieve freedom.

Meditation is a method of calming the mind in order to devote energy to ideas for relaxation or religious/profound purposes. The goal is to achieve an internal state of mindfulness and to advance both personally and spiritually. In practise, reflection entails focusing one's attention on something, such as a sound, image,

Track 12 : Holistic Health and Holistic Medicine

Holistic health is a fantastic way to manage your life. Rather than focusing on disease or specific parts of the body, this traditional approach to health considers the entire individual and how the individual interacts with his or her condition. The goal is to achieve maximum prosperity, where everything works as well as it possibly can. People who practise Holistic Health accept responsibility for their own level of prosperity, and regular decisions are used to assume responsibility for one's own wellbeing.

Holistic medicine prescription is a type of healing that considers the entire person - body, mind, soul, and feelings - in the quest for optimal wellbeing and health. According to all-encompassing medication theory, one can achieve ideal wellbeing - the primary goal of comprehensive drug practise - by increasing legal parity in everyday life.

Track 13:  Psychotherapy and Counceling

Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, is a mental health treatment technique that involves conversing with a therapist, clinician, or another psychological health provider in order to treat emotional health issues. Psychotherapy refers to a wide range of medications that can help with psychological wellness issues, emotional difficulties, and some mental issues.

Its goal is to help patients understand their emotions and what causes them to feel positive, restless, or discouraged. This can teach them to adapt to difficult situations in a more adaptable manner.

The course of treatment is usually completed in less than a year; people who are eager to change and willing to put forth effort frequently report positive outcomes.

Psychotherapy can help with a wide range of issues, from depression and low self-esteem to obsession and family conflict. Any person who is feeling overwhelmed by their problems and unable to adopt may benefit from psychotherapy.

The most common mental illness can frequently be effectively treated during this time period, often with a combination of psychotherapy and pharmaceuticals. When combined with a treatment, it can play a role in the treatment of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

Track 14: Addiction, Drug Abuse and Recovery

Addiction is a medical condition characterised by habitual exposure to stimuli despite negative consequences. It is a disease of the mind's reward framework that develops over time as a result of constant exposure to addictive stimuli via transcriptional and epigenetic systems.

Addiction occurs when a man consumes a substance (e.g., liquor, cocaine, nicotine) or engages in an action (e.g., betting, sex, shopping) that can be pleasurable but whose continued use/act becomes compulsive and interferes with traditional life activities such as work, relationships, or health. The concerned individual may be unaware that their behaviour is out of control and causing problems for themselves and others.

The DSM-IV-TR defines the types of compulsion seen with drug use, but it uses the terms substance abuse and substance dependency. The most common substance addictions are to alcohol, tobacco, opioids (such as heroin), cocaine, cannabis, and prescription drugs.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines recovery as "a progressive process by which people improve their well-being and health, live self-directed lives, including:

  • I can address issues as they occur, without utilizing, and without getting worried.
  • I have in any event one individual I can be totally legit with.
  • I have individual limits and realize which issues are mine and which ones have a place with other individuals.
  • I set aside the effort to reestablish my vitality — physical and enthusiastic — when I am worn out.

Track 15:  Optimism and Mindset
Optimism is a type of positive reasoning that includes the conviction that you are in control of your own happiness and that more good will continue to happen than bad. Optimists accept that terrible or antagonistic events are uncommon and that it isn't their fault when something bad happens, but rather the result of something external.

Your mindset is the collection of thoughts and convictions that shape your idea proclivities. Furthermore, your idea proclivities influence how you think, feel, and act. Your mindset influences how you perceive the world and yourself.

Track 16 : Emotional Intelligence and Relationships

Emotional intelligence (EQ)  is the territory of subjective capacity that encourages relational conduct.

In case you're genuinely say you can:

  • Distinguish what you're feeling
  • Skill to translate your feelings
  • See how your feelings can affect others
  • Control your very own feelings
  • Oversee other individuals' feelings

Track 17:  Mindful Eating, Nutrition and Obesity

Mindful Eating  is the act of developing a liberal familiarity with how the sustenance we eat influences one's body, emotions, brain, and all that is around us. The training upgrades our comprehension of what to eat, how to eat, the amount to eat, and why we eat what we eat. When eating carefully, we are completely present and relish each nibble - connecting every one of our faculties to genuinely value the nourishment. Past simply taste, we see the appearance, sounds, scents, and surfaces of our sustenance, just as our mind's reaction to these perceptions. When we eat with this comprehension and understanding, appreciation and sympathy will emerge inside us. In this way careful eating is basic to guarantee sustenance Maintainability for who and what is to come, as we are spurred to pick nourishments that are useful for our wellbeing, yet in addition useful for our planet.

Nutrition: The process of taking in sustenance and utilizing it for development, digestion, and fix. Dietary stages are ingestion, processing, retention, transport, digestion, and discharge.

Overweight and weight are characterized as strange or intemperate fat amassing that displays a hazard to wellbeing. An unrefined populace proportion of corpulence is the weight list (BMI), an individual's weight (in kilograms) separated by the square of his or her stature (in meters).Overweight and weight are real hazard factors for various constant ailments, including diabetes, cardiovascular sicknesses and disease.

Track 18:  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychological wellness condition that is activated by a startling occasion — either encountering it or seeing it. Manifestations may incorporate flashbacks, bad dreams and serious uneasiness, just as wild musings about the occasion.

A great many people who experience horrendous accidents may have impermanent trouble modifying and adapting, however with time and great self-care, they generally show signs of improvement. In the event that the indications deteriorate, keep going for a considerable length of time or even years, and meddle with your everyday working, you may have PTSD.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a typical, endless and durable issue in which an individual has wild, reoccurring considerations (fixations) and practices (impulses) that the person wants to rehash again and again.


  • Obsessions
  • Compulsions

Track 19:  Self-Harm and Suicide Prevention

Self-harm is additionally usually known as self-damaging conduct (SIB), self-mutilation, non-self-destructive self-damage (NSSI), parasuicide, purposeful self-hurt (DSH), self-misuse, and self-caused viciousness.

People who self-harm may:

  • appear withdrawn, or more quiet or reserved than usual
  • stop participating in their regular activities
  •  have rapid mood changes
  •  get angry or upset easily
  •  have had a significant event in their lives, e.g. a breakup with significant other
  • suffer poor academic/school performance when they usually do very well
  •  exhibit unexplained cuts or scratches
  • wear clothes that are inappropriate for the weather, e.g. wearing long sleeves on hot day

Track 20:  Insomnia and Sleep Disorders

A Insomnia is a typical rest issue that can make it difficult to nod off, difficult to stay unconscious, or cause you to get up too soon and not have the option to return to rest. You may at present feel tired when you wake up. Sleep deprivation can sap your vitality level and state of mind as well as your wellbeing, work execution and personal satisfaction.


  • A sleeping disorder indications may include:
  • Difficulty nodding off around evening time
  • Waking up during the night
  • Waking up too soon
  • Not feeling admirably rested following a night's rest
  • Daytime tiredness or lethargy
  •  Irritability, gloom or tension
  • Difficulty focusing, concentrating on errands or recollecting
  • Increased blunders or mishaps
  •  Ongoing stresses over rest

Track 21 : Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorders

Schizophrenia is a genuine mental illness in which people interpret reality in an abnormal way. Schizophrenia can cause a mix of mental flights, daydreams, and incredibly confused reasoning and behaviour, which weakens daily functioning and can be impairing. Individuals suffering from schizophrenia require extensive treatment. Early treatment may help to level out side effects before genuine complications arise, which may improve the long haul picture.

Bipolar disorder, formerly known as hyper gloom, is a mental health condition that causes extraordinary emotional episodes that include passionate highs (lunacy or hypomania) and lows (melancholy).

Although bipolar disorder is a complex condition, you can manage your emotional episodes and side effects by following a treatment plan. Bipolar confusion is typically treated with medication and psychological counselling (psychotherapy).

Track 22: Psychopathology and Antidepressants

Psychopathology is the scientific study of psychological instability, as well as the factors that may contribute to or be significant to such instability.

Reasons for mental illness can be classified as mental, social, or hereditary. The field also examines mental conditions throughout life, developmental stages, and indications, as well as medicines that are effective in treating various manifestations.

Antidepressants are medications that can help reduce symptoms of depression, social anxiety, tension, regular fullness of feeling, and dysthymia, or mild endless discouragement, among other conditions.

Track 23: Psychometrics, Psychosis and Psychological Assessment

In specialised terms, psychometrics is a branch of brain research that examines the design, organisation, and translation of quantitative tests in order to estimate explicit mental factors like insight, fitness, inspiration, and character.

Psychometrics, as defined by the National Committee on Estimation in Instruction (NCME), refers to mental estimation. It mostly refers to the field of brain science and education that is concerned with testing, estimation, evaluation, and related exercises.

The two most normal sorts of psychometric evaluation are:

  • Capacity tests
  • Character surveys

Psychosis denotes a loss of contact with reality; it is a symptom of various dysfunctional behaviours rather than a disease in and of itself.

Psychological Assessment refers to a formalised mental testing or social assessment. Appraisals are used to quantify insight, development, character, frames of mind, and intellectual, social, or enthusiastic working, and they are also used by clinicians to solve problems. Mental assessments can take the form of a poll, a meeting, or observational techniques. The Wechsler Adult Knowledge Scale, the Beck Depression Inventory, and the Neonatal Social Evaluation Scale are all examples of mental assessments.

Track 24: Narcissistic personality disorder

In our selfie-obsessed, celebrity-driven culture, the term narcissism is frequently used to describe someone who appears excessively vain or full of themselves. However, in psychological terms, narcissism does not imply genuine self-love. People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are more accurately described as being in love with an idealised, grandiose image of themselves. And they love their inflated self-image because it allows them to avoid deep feelings of insecurity. But maintaining their delusions of grandeur requires a lot of effort, which is where dysfunctional attitudes and behaviours come into play.

Narcissistic personality disorder is characterised by a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behaviour, a lack of empathy and consideration for others, and an excessive need for admiration. Others frequently describe people with NPD as arrogant, manipulative, selfish, patronising, and demanding. This way of thinking and behaving manifests itself in every aspect of the narcissist's life, from work and friendships to family and romantic relationships.

Track 25 : Stress and Wellness

Stress also affects the physical wellness of an individual. It has been determined that the main cause of stress is the inability of an individual to meet the demands that arise from his/her physical and social environment. In the process of trying to meet these demands, there are people who will overwork themselves hence surpassing the limits that their bodies can withhold resulting in fatigue, body injuries, and other factors that might affect their physical wellness.

Track 26: Stress and Tibetan Medicine

The Wind element is thought to be in charge of the proper operation of the respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems. Many mental health problems are thought to be the result of imbalances in the function of the Wind, which is closely linked to a healthy mental outlook as well as a healthy mind. Anxiety, insomnia, nervousness, mood swings, irritability, stiffness, memory loss, and trembling can be caused by excessive or imbalanced Wind, as well as discomfort and pain in the lower back, hips, and joints. Because the Wind element is rough, light, cool, and mobile by nature, remedies for imbalances include applying smooth, warmth, or pressure to the wind points via massage

High stress levels have an effect on us both physically and mentally, as does the tendency to turn to stimulating foods or more caffeine to relieve stress, which can actually aggravate the Wind element. To balance out Wind disorders, Tibetan medicine recommends working with the Wind Points, either on your own or with the help of a therapist.

Track 27: Chronic Psychological Stress

The purpose of this study was to see if chronic stress impairs the immune system's ability to respond to hormonal signals that end inflammation. Fifty healthy adults were studied; half were cancer patients' parents and half were healthy children's parents. Cancer patients' parents reported more psychological distress than healthy children's parents. They also had flatter diurnal slopes of cortisol secretion, owing to lower output in the morning. Chronic stress was also found to impair the immune system's response to anti-inflammatory signals: the ability of a synthetic glucocorticoid hormone to suppress in vitro production of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 was reduced in cancer patients' parents. The findings point to a novel mechanism by which chronic stress may influence the course of inflammatory disease.

Track 28 : Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a method of cultivating awareness and reducing stress through meditation and yoga. It is based on the ancient mindfulness practise of waking up, being fully alive, and being present for the richness of each moment of our lives. We gain access to our deepest inner resources for living, healing, and coping with stress as a result of this awakening.

People who are dealing with medical issues, job or family-related stress, anxiety, or depression may benefit from MBSR. The majority of participants report long-term reductions in physical and psychological symptoms. People learn to cope with pain that may not go away, and their pain levels improve.

Track 29 : Psychological Stress and Nicotine Intake

The effects and consequences of stress remain hot research topics, which may be due to the subject's popularity among various population strata. Older adults who are stressed have a lower quality of life because their physical and mental health deteriorates under psychological duress (de Frias & Whyne, 2015). This effect could be attributed to the prevalence of various inherently harmful coping mechanisms that people use to alleviate their agitation, such as smoking. Thus, investigating the relationship between psychological stress and nicotine intake in middle-aged adults may help to broaden the available psychological knowledge.

Track 30: Yoga for Stress Management

Working with one's tendency to dwell on specific thoughts, feelings, or emotions (e.g., rumination) and dysfunctional thought patterns can be part of practising yoga to help with depression. Mindfulness skills practised in the context of a yoga class can aid in noticing mood shifts and learning coping strategies that encourage observing, rather than judging, these mood shifts. These skills can also aid in the prevention of depression relapse by counteracting the proclivity to engage in negative thought patterns. The physical aspect of yoga may also help to counteract the inactivity and agitation associated with depression and anxiety, as well as to promote a sense of self-mastery, which is essential when working with depression.

Track 31: Stress Migraine in Women After Menopause

 Female organism goes through several changes between the ages of 40 and 60. Menopause is characterised by symptoms such as irregular or no periods, uncontrollable hot flashes, sleep problems, mood and weight changes, and unpredictable headaches. The researcher's goal in this paper is to determine the relationship between stress and migraine in elderly women who have passed menopause, as well as how to solve this problem. To answer the PICOT question developed in the paper and clarify whether a head massage is an appropriate intervention for caring for women after menopause who suffer from stress migraines, quantitative methods are used.

Track 32 : Brain science and Resilience

Affliction is an unavoidable fact of life. Versatility is that unfathomable quality that enables some people to be wrecked by life and return essentially as solid as before. Perhaps, rather than allowing hardships or disappointment to defeat them, they will channel their determination and figure out how to come back to life.

Clinicians have identified a portion of the factors that contribute to an individual's adaptability, such as a positive outlook, faith, the ability to direct feelings, and the ability to consider inability to be a type of supportive input. According to research, good faith reduces the impact of stress on the brain and body following upsetting encounters. Furthermore, this gives individuals access to their own intellectual assets, enabling calm examination of what may have gone wrong and consideration of social ways that may be more useful.

Market Analysis

The global mindfulness meditation apps market is expected to grow at a healthy rate between 2021 and 2031. (forecast period). The global mindfulness meditation apps market is expected to grow as a result of several factors, including an increase in the incidence of mood swings among people of all ages and population growth in several developed and developing countries. Furthermore, an increase in public awareness of the presence of mindfulness meditation apps is likely to drive the growth of the global mindfulness meditation apps market. The appeal of several mindfulness meditation apps has grown in recent years due to their ability to aid in the improvement of self-regulation and self-awareness.

This aspect is projected to create revenue-generation opportunities in mindfulness meditation apps market.

Mindfulness Meditation Apps Market - Competitive Landscape

Simple Habit, Calm, Meditopia, Headspace, Insight Timer, Breethe, Waking Up, Aura Health, Moov, and BetterMe are the market leaders in mindfulness meditation apps.

Leading players are pursuing inorganic marketing tactics such as collaborations, technological innovations, investments, acquisitions, new product development, and R&D activities to broaden their global appeal.

Snap Inc., a U.S.-based tech start-up, will launch an in-App meditation experience in June 2020 in collaboration with Headspace, a leading provider of guided meditation, to promote mindfulness, health, and happiness around the world. The organization's feature will provide stressed-out people with attentive and meditation activities outside of their daily routine.

Mindfulness Meditation Apps Market - Trends and Opportunities

During the forecast period, the global mindfulness meditation apps market is expected to grow rapidly. In recent years, the hectic nature of daily activities has driven people to seek peace, resulting in a vast understanding of meditation. Long working hours, as well as an increase in nuclear family configurations to care for small children and household responsibilities, all contribute to mental illnesses. Meditation and mindfulness have emerged as treatments for mental illnesses that are not medically treatable. Many technology companies have capitalised on this opportunity over the years by developing meditation apps that promise to restore and recreate users' mindfulness.

The COVID-19 pandemic had a positive effect on the market for mindfulness meditation apps. The COVID-19 outbreak altered many people's meditation beliefs, with stress being a common occurrence in people who work from home for extended periods of time. Developers of mindfulness meditation apps have been assisting in the development of new consumer propositions centred on living in the present moment. They advocate for users to reclaim their thoughts and direct all of their positive energy toward a common goal.

Mindfulness Meditation Apps Market - Regional Landscape

The market for mindfulness meditation apps in North America is expected to grow during the forecast period. The United States is expected to be the largest revenue generator in the North American mindfulness meditation app market. People are looking for mindfulness apps on their phones to get the most out of meditation as it becomes more common in Americans' daily lives. People are recognising that meditation and mindfulness are the most effective ways to relax and de-stress. During the forecast period, Asia Pacific is expected to contribute to the global mindfulness meditation apps market. The growing acceptance of the therapy to combat daily stress is expected to drive the growth of the Asia Pacific mindfulness meditation apps market.

Anger management executives make reference to a procedure. It can aid in the identification of stressors. Individuals learn ventures to enable them to remain silent in the face of board displeasure. They can then deal with tense situations in a helpful, positive way.

The purpose of resentment on the board is to allow an individual to reduce outrage. It dampens the emotional and physical excitement that outrage can elicit. It is frequently difficult to avoid all individuals and situations that cause outrage. In any case, an individual can learn to control their responses and react in a socially appropriate manner. A psychological wellness expert's assistance may be beneficial in this procedure.

Anger management encourages you to recognise disappointments early and resolve them in a way that allows you to express your needs — while keeping you quiet and in control.

A few signs that you need assistance controlling your displeasure include:

  • Routinely feeling that you need to hold in your displeasure
  • Industrious negative reasoning and concentrating on negative encounters
  • Consistent sentiments of disturbance, anxiety and antagonistic vibe
  • Visit contentions with others that raise dissatisfactions
  • Physical brutality, for example, hitting your accomplice or youngsters or beginning battles
  • Dangers of brutality against individuals or property

Participation / presentation option

Oral presentation: Oral Presentations may include the topics from researches, theoretical, professional or private practices in a concise manner. Individuals with personal experience are also welcome to present personal experiences or narratives which help others in everyday life. Speakers with a 30-minute slot should plan to speak for 20-25 minutes, and Keynote speakers should plan to speak for 40-45 minutes, with the remaining time to be used for questions and discussion by the Session Chair.

Workshop: For workshop presenters also, the topic of the talk will be the same as an Oral presentation with more specialized techniques and detailed demonstration. The generalized time duration for a workshop presentation is about 45-50 minutes. Interested participants can join with their respective team and present the workshop with their research coordinators with special group waivers on registration.

Poster presentation: Student Poster Competition will be organized at the Stress and Mindfulness 2025 conference is to encourage students and recent graduates to present their original research. Presenters will be given about 5-7 minutes to present the poster including questions and answers. Judges may ask questions during the evaluation of the presentation. This is an opportunity for young scientists to learn about the recent findings of their peers to increase their capacity as multidisciplinary researchers. Poster displays will be in hard copy format of 1x1 M long.

For more details regarding Poster Presentation and Judging Criteria view Poster Presentation Guidelines.

Webinar: The webinar presentation is designed for those interested attendees who cannot join in person due to schedule conflicts or other obligations. In this option, the presenter may record the presentation and their presentation will be presented in the Webinar presentation session.

E-Poster: e-Poster is also similar to the webinar presentation. In this session, their presentation will be published in the form of a poster in the conference website and the presenter abstract will be published in the conference souvenir and journal with DOI.

Exhibition: Stress and Mindfulness 2025 has the opportunity to exhibit the products and services from commercial and non-commercial organizations like Drug manufacturers, Clinical Trial Sites, Management Consultants, Chemists, Pharmacists, Business delegates and Equipment Manufacturers.

To know more about exhibitor booth details and benefits visit WHY TO EXHIBIT WITH US?

Send your queries to

Advertisement: The conference program is a valuable resource that all attendees refer again and again as they navigate the conference. Advertising in the conference program is a great way to market and can help you secure long term business.

Become an Exhibitor or Vendor!

Stress and  Mindfulness 2025 together with the popular and innovative EXPO provide an invaluable platform for Academicians, Private practitioners, Industry leaders in Book Publications, Technologies, Services and Solutions, Products, - representing the entire world of Medical, Science and Technology. 

Become an exhibitor, or advertiser for the Stress and Mindfulness 2025 EXPO and its wide range of sessions, talks, expert's opinions, networking to maximize your market presence and customer relationship as well as B2B efforts. Being part of these special conventions gives you the opportunity to showcase your products, solutions and services. Call for Exhibitors 2025 has already started! If your company/organization is interested in exhibiting in this event, find more info at Exhibitors and contact us 

Become a Sponsor!

There are many good reasons to sponsor Stress and Mindfulness 2025 in Paris, France. Investment in the Stress and Mindfulness 2025 sponsorship program is an exceedingly visible, cost-effective way for your organization to showcase your products and services to a worldwide network and show your fairly estimated worth.

As a sponsor you receive various benefits including a strong branding presence in our websites, social networking's, and media and throughout the conference. Our PR and marketing activities target an international audience of professionals and well established experts from academia and industry. If your company/organization is interested in exhibiting in this event, find more info at Sponsors and contact us at

  • Presenting authors are responsible for registration, travel, and hotel costs. Note: Those with accepted abstracts will receive an acceptance mail allowing them to register for the conference.
  • Abstracts will be compiled and conference books are made available to participants at the conference.
  • Any presenter who is unable to attend should arrange for another qualified individual to present the paper/poster in question. If such a change is necessary, please notify our conference team

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date April 23-24, 2025

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Supported By

Journal of Depression and Anxiety Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy Abnormal and Behavioural Psychology

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by

Media partners & Collaborators & Sponsors


Media Partner


Media Partner


  • Anxiety Management Through Meditation
  • Building Emotional Resilience
  • Building Mental Resilience
  • Chronic Stress Impacts
  • Daily Meditation Practices
  • Emotional Intelligence Via Mindfulness
  • Enhancing Workplace Mindfulness
  • Guided Meditation Sessions
  • Meditation And Brain Health
  • Meditation And Emotional Well-being
  • Meditation And Self-awareness
  • Meditation Apps Review
  • Meditation For Anxiety Relief
  • Meditation For Chronic Pain
  • Meditation For Creativity
  • Meditation For Focus
  • Meditation For Teenagers
  • Meditation Retreats Benefits
  • Mental Well-being Techniques
  • Mindful Breathing Exercises
  • Mindful Communication Skills
  • Mindful Eating Habits
  • Mindful Leadership Skills
  • Mindful Parenting Techniques
  • Mindful Practices Integration
  • Mindful Walking Exercises
  • Mindfulness And Compassion
  • Mindfulness And Gratitude
  • Mindfulness And Technology Use
  • Mindfulness Benefits
  • Mindfulness For Children
  • Mindfulness For Daily Life
  • Mindfulness For Mental Health
  • Mindfulness For Parents
  • Mindfulness For Stress Prevention
  • Mindfulness In Education
  • Organizational Resilience Practices
  • Reducing Stress Through Mindfulness
  • Resilience After Trauma
  • Resilience In Aging
  • Resilience In Challenging Times
  • Resilience In Community Settings
  • Resilience In Education
  • Resilience In Healthcare
  • Resilience In Relationships
  • Resilience In Sports
  • Resilience Through Adversity
  • Resilience Training Methods
  • Stress And Cardiovascular Health
  • Stress And Immune Function
  • Stress And Physical Health
  • Stress And Productivity
  • Stress And Sleep Quality
  • Stress In Modern Life
  • Stress Management Techniques
  • Stress Reduction Strategies
  • Stress Reduction Workshops
  • Workplace Resilience Programs
  • Workplace Stress Solutions
  • Youth Resilience Programs